I maintain a robust interdisciplinary studio practice, always expanding and honing skills and introducing myself to new media and challenges. Portrait and figure painting are a constant.
I reject formal definitions between craft and fine art. My work tends to start from a point of inquiry, rather than expressive content: how does this medium like to be used? Does this cord lend itself to precise designs or more organic ones?
What can only be achieved with oil paint, with this vine clipped from the garden?
painting / fiber arts / portraiture / fibers / exploring the nature of media
tallitot / earth ritual / death ritual / jewish ritual / life cycle
parades / puppets / performance / arts education / collaboration
puppets / banners / interventions / mutual aid
Community art
Community art •
Community art is the heart of my artistic practice. My aesthetic and media and style are all wide-ranging; sometimes, the only constant is that I am working with other people. I love to work both with other artists and with people who don’t consider themselves artists.
I have worked professionally in the community art world as a teaching artist, director of youth programs, and consultant.